Final Fantasy X-2 Last Mission English Translation (Floor 30)
リュック : なに?
Rikku: What?
ユウナ :
Yuna: Don't you find it magical?
ユウナ :
ビサイドから遠く離れてるのに 同じ夕日なんだ
Yuna: I've been away from Besaid too long now. I wonder if he's watching the same sunset...
リュック : ・・・・・・おんなじ だねえ
Rikku: The same......huh?
ユウナ : でもね 同じに見えても 毎日違う顔してるんだよ
Yuna: But you know, even though we watch the same things, everyday, it's with a new perspective.
リュック : そお?
Rikku: Is that sooo?
ユウナ :
Yuna: It's just that......nowadays, it hurts to be away from him.
Rikku: Ooohhhhh......
パイン :
ユウナは まだビサイドに?
Paine: So, Yuna, you're still in Besaid?
リュック :
そうそう 結局カモメ団に入る前に 戻っちゃったんだよ
Rikku: Yup yup! But after a while, I know she'll get tired of it and return to the
ユウナ :
Yuna: That's not going to happen!
ユウナ :
あのころは いなくなった人のことばかり 考えてたんだ
Yuna: Those time when he was gone, my life was so mixed up and lonely.
ユウナ :
そういうの 変えたくて 島を飛び出したけど・・・・・・
Yuna: But it all changed in that moment when we came flying back to the island......
ユウナ :
今は もう忙しくしなくていいから 立ち止まって ぼーっとしてていいの
Yuna: Now, I'm so preoccupied with him, I wouldn't leave for the world!
We've been so happy and peaceful, I feel as though I want time to stand still for us.
パイン :
Paine: The relaxed, hassle-free life, huh?
Yuna: Vidina's the center of attention right now. Everyday there's
something to do.
Yuna: Oh! And he's already grown his first tooth!
Rikku: Is Daddy as befuddled as ever?
Yuna: Lulu was in shock. She wanted to tell him right away!
Rikku: Didn't Wakka just see it?
Yuna: Well, you know Wakka...
Rikku: So, you haven't been lonely then?
Yuna: Well, not since he got here.
Rikku: I still think you’re wasting your time staying on that island and all, though.
Rikku: You’re almost twenty.
Rikku: You’ve got to live while
you’re still young, you know?
ユウナ :
今は いいや 変にあさったりしたくないんだ
Yuna: Now that I look back on it, I must've looked so clumsy in my impatience to reach
パイン :
Paine: Have you found everything you were looking for then?
ユウナ : えーと・・・・・・ちょっと違うかな
Yuna:'s not exactly that...
ユウナ :
みつからなくても大丈夫って 思うんだよね
Yuna: I've found what I was searching for but I haven't done everything yet.
ユウナ :
Yuna: I can't express what I mean in words......but do you understand?
パイン : ごめん
Paine: Sorry.
Rikku: Well, I don't get it......
リュック :
ユウナ これからのこと ちゃんと考えた方がいいんじゃない
Rikku: Yunie, you're sure not being clear! Things sound like they're gonna get more and more complicated!
ユウナ : かもね
Yuna: If you say so, I guess?
ま 何も変わらない方が不自然かな
Paine: Well, it would be unnatural if nothing ever changed.
Alternative Text
(Starting from line 15 above)
Paine: The relaxed, hassle-free life, huh?
Yuna: It's because of him.
リュック:うわ! 彼だって!
Rikku: Oooooh!! Gossip time! Tell us all about him!
リュック:それでどうよ どうなのよ?
Rikku: It sounds serious! What'cha been doing, hmmm?
Yuna: Doing? What do you mean? ...Just normal things...
Paine: For example?
Rikku: Yunie?
Yuna: What?
Paine: So...?
ユウナ:あ ごめん
Yuna: Oh! I'm so sorry!
Rikku: Uh-huh...
リュック:あたしがいくら誘ったって つきあってくれないワケだよ
Rikku: How come you've never invited me over, huh? Maybe there's a
reason you didn't want me to join you...
Paine: You jealous?
Rikku: What gave me away?
リュック:でもさ アイツも帰ってきたのに ずっと島にいるなんて もったいなくない?
Rikku: But, I still can't believe how that guy just returned to the island
that day! It was so incredible!
Rikku: And the airship almost crashed into him when we flew in, and you
just jumped off!
ユウナ:今は いいや 変にあさったりしたくないんだ
Yuna: Now that I look back on it, I must've looked so clumsy in my
impatience to reach him...
(Continued on line 27 above)